MyFlexHome is one of the finalists of the IHA Start-up Awards 2022

This year, the German Hotel Association (IHA) is once again sponsoring young start-ups with the industry award in order to promote practical, digital product developments for the hotel industry in Germany. MyFlexHome was able to prevail in the pre-selection and convince the IHA jury of experts with its hotel subscription concept for the new targetContinue reading “MyFlexHome is one of the finalists of the IHA Start-up Awards 2022”

Temporary living – in a hotel with MyFlexHome.

At a constant price, you can sleep cheaply for 4 to 12 nights per month in a hotel of your choice and enjoy additional benefits. MyFlexHome offers with the hotel subscription the solution for your recurring overnight stays per month, no matter if you travel to Munich regularly for business or have to stay overnightContinue reading “Temporary living – in a hotel with MyFlexHome.”

7 reasons why you should use a hotel subscription instead of a second home

A hotel subscription offers many advantages compared to a second home that is rarely used. Long daily commutes are eliminated when combining a hotel subscription with once-a-week commuting. The following 7 reasons speak for the use of a hotel subscription. No exhausting search for an apartmentYou have a new job in another city but don’tContinue reading “7 reasons why you should use a hotel subscription instead of a second home”

Out of the crisis with creative concepts: MyFlexHome – the hotel subscription and four other concepts

The Corona pandemic has hit the tourism industry hard; the crisis has also caused deep cuts in Upper Bavaria. But at the same time, despite – or perhaps because of – the crisis, local people have shown courage, developed creative concepts and a pioneering spirit, and demonstrated a great deal of personal commitment. The successContinue reading “Out of the crisis with creative concepts: MyFlexHome – the hotel subscription and four other concepts”

Long-term hotel use in hotel subscription as an alternative to a second home

Due to a high second home tax (e.g. in Munich with 18%) a long-term hotel use can become interesting – but you only need 1-2 nights per month and don’t want to rent the hotel for the whole month? With the hotel subscription from MyFlexHome, you can book the nights you need flexibly. The secondContinue reading “Long-term hotel use in hotel subscription as an alternative to a second home”

Decoupling of home and work locations through hybrid work models and a hotel subscription

Hybrid work models are redefining the attractiveness of locations. The trend toward more home offices will also have an impact on the real estate market. It is predicted that in five years, up to twice as many employees will regularly perform their work from a home office compared to today. This increases the need forContinue reading “Decoupling of home and work locations through hybrid work models and a hotel subscription”

Hybrid Working! Hybrid Living! With hotel subscription!

Working from a home office was already on the rise before the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. But it’s about more than lower costs for companies, because ultimately only the model that offers employees flexibility and companies agility is sustainable. A Capgemini study has taken a closer look at the development from “remote working” toContinue reading “Hybrid Working! Hybrid Living! With hotel subscription!”

“MyFlexHome” wins founder competition of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs

Streaming subscription? Car subscription? Hotel subscription! Hybrid work models require new hybrid forms of living – study confirms the potential of hotel subscriptions. The Munich-based start-up MyFlexHome offers an alternative to the classic second home or long commutes with a mediation platform for hotel subscriptions. Thus, employees can choose their place of residence independently ofContinue reading ““MyFlexHome” wins founder competition of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs”

Second home tax rises to 18% in Munich – Is a hotel subscription the alternative?

The tax on second homes in Munich will be increased from the current 9% to 18% of the annual net rent as of 01.01.2022. Thus, the Munich City Council follows the proposal of the City Treasury with its resolution of June 9, 2021. By increasing the tax on second homes, the aim is to bringContinue reading “Second home tax rises to 18% in Munich – Is a hotel subscription the alternative?”

Ifo survey: 13% want to move out of the big city in the next 12 months

The Ifo Institute conducted a large survey of 18,000 participants* in urban, suburban and rural areas. The results show that just under 13 percent of respondents from major German cities plan to leave them within the next twelve months. According to the study, these are disproportionately people of young and middle age and households withContinue reading “Ifo survey: 13% want to move out of the big city in the next 12 months”